Crypto P2P Room
Welcome To Crypto P2P Swap Room
🇳🇬💬 Engage in secure and transparent cryptocurrency exchanges with our community. Connect with fellow crypto enthusiasts for seamless swaps. Before you dive in, please read and adhere to the following rules:
P2P Chat Room Swap Rules:
Be Honest: Provide accurate information about the crypto assets you’re offering or seeking.
No Scams: Any attempt at fraud, deception, or misleading information is strictly prohibited.
Clear Communication: Clearly state your terms, conditions, and expectations for the swap.
Verify Counterpart: Verify the identity of the person you are swapping with to ensure a secure transaction.
Use Escrow Services: Consider using reputable escrow services to minimize risks and ensure a fair swap.
Report Suspicious Activity: If you suspect fraudulent behavior, report it immediately to the moderators.
Respect Privacy: Respect the privacy of other participants and refrain from sharing personal information.
GistfulNaija Disclaimer: GistfulNaija is not responsible for any fraud or loss of funds in the swap. Users engage in swaps at their own risk.
Enjoy the swap experience, and happy trading! 🌐💱